Bare Black Tree | Urban Strangers |

Bare Black Tree

Testo Bare Black Tree

The sun shines on the white clouds
The gray streets burnin‘ up and down
The wind blows away your nightmare
Now think as it‘s time to you‘re waken, take your first breath

And everything is gettin‘ passed
Your eyes get tired less
The Bare Black Tree is your new best friend
He says can breathe the smoke on my flowers yet

Walkin‘ on air
Swimmin‘ in the asphalt
Walkin‘ on air
Swimmin‘ in the asphalt

Now that‘s the rage, then comes the pain
The pain comes, show me a way
There are too many traces on my past
And I say my pray, this is not my path
Maybe it‘s too hard, it‘s complicated

Please believe me, I‘m in the the truth
Give me it so I can feel all my worries in too deep

And everything is gettin‘ passed
Your eyes get tired less
The Bare Black Tree is your new best friend
He says can breathe the smoke on my flowers yet

Walkin‘ on air
Swimmin‘ in the asphalt, oh, oh
Walkin‘ on air, oh
Swimmin‘ in the asphalt, oh, oh

Fall, fall, fall, fall...

You too had to prove it for the first time
Feelin‘ all loosin‘, control of your mind
You can‘t hide your eyes
Red, the light, the fire
Had to stop my cellphone walkin‘
You can‘t see me, I‘m wearin‘ here
You too, that I‘m choosin‘ for the first time
Too big free more than you

Had to stop my cellphone walkin‘
I‘m flyin‘ out of my body
Under the tree, where breath can be
Better keep my eyes closed

Walkin‘ on air
Swimmin‘ in the asphalt
Walkin‘ on air
Swimmin‘ in the asphalt, oh, oh, oh

Playlist Spotify

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